My guess is Trientalis latifolia based on the pink flowers, it looks like the pedicels are < leaves, leaves are + or - in a whorl at the end of the stem. Hard to tell from the photographs. Trientalis europaea is found from Del Norte County, California, northward into Canada, Alaska, and other northern areas. As I remember, Trientalis has been subsumed into the Genus Lysimachia as has Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagalis arvensis, now Lysimachia arvensis). If I remember correctly the debate over Anagalis vs Lysimachia has been going on for some time now. The are still in the Myrsine Family, Myrsinaceae.
Trientalis latifolia can also be found as far north as British Columbia. Here in our part of California they are quite common in the mid-elevation forest of the Sierra Nevada.