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Author Topic: Travel Scholarship as part of the Kew Diploma - Contacts?  (Read 974 times)


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Travel Scholarship as part of the Kew Diploma - Contacts?
« on: April 18, 2019, 08:50:56 AM »
Hi everyone!

I am a first year Kew Diploma Student, currently planning my 2-3 week Travel Scholarship, which will take part between April 2020 and 2nd week of September 2020. The aim is to see a diverse range of plants (but mostly alpines of course!) in their native habitat.

Ideas I have include: Tromso Botanic Gardens + Svalbard, China (specifically Yunnan, Sichuan Tibet, Xinjiang), Ecuador (Paramo flora), Cypripedioideae of Aleutian Islands and Icelandic highland flora.

All exciting places to visit - but I'm having some trouble finding the right contacts and planning the itinerary! If anyone can recommend me some contacts (Or would like to plan a trip together), I would be most grateful!!!

Thank you,



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Re: Travel Scholarship as part of the Kew Diploma - Contacts?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2019, 05:33:44 AM »
Xinjiang is more or less off limits to foreigners at the moment, and as you're likely aware travel to Tibet is severely restricted and rather expensive (you need to work with a local travel company, and be followed by a guide and driver for the duration of your stay). Sichuan (where I'm based) and Yunnan, with the exception of some border areas, are very nice and easy to travel in, you can PM me if you want some pointers.

With regards to Tromsø, I would suggest just emailing them? I'm sure they'd be happy to help!


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