I have been successful in growing from seed some the above-mentioned plants and now I have the question of how to grow them on in the future.
I read that it is from a protected four hectare spot about 20 miles north of Budapest. In June 2009 Katherine J, a member of the SRGC, visited the area and provided some photographs of the plant and growing area.
I am told that it is one of the rarest plants, not the easiest plant to grow and probably best in an alpine house or on a protected scree. I also understand that in the area the plant grows there are very different conditions between open bare rocks and woodland.
So, some help would be appreciated as I do not operate an Alpine house, but I do have various scree and crevice positions where it could live. Is any one able to offer advice about the acidity or alkalinity of the soil? Should it be sandy or contain noticeable amounts of leaf mold? Shade or full sun? and, finally I assume a substantial grit content.
Views would be greatly appreciated and no doubt cuttings could be available!