Here is a new offer from me :
Strumaria :
discifera ssp.bulbifera
Beometra uniflora
Eucomis regia
Haemanthus X albiflos x incarnatus
Hyacithioides lingulata
Nerine :
humilis De Toitskloof
humilis DT
humilis Piekenierskloof
humilis v.breachae
sarniensis ' Red Pearls'
sarniensis 'Afterglow'
sarniensis CB
sarniensis 'Corusca Mayor'
sarniensis f. alba
sarniensis 'Miss Cator'
X mansellii
Massonia :
depressa Bredasdorp MC
depressa Concordia BS
depressa JES 515
depressa Kamieskroon/Namaqualand
depressa liver colored form DH
depressa Middelpos/Roggeveld
depressa Rietfontain GS2010 Nr.3593
jasminiflora King William Town MC
longipes Cape Agulhas MC
longipes De Hoop GD
longipes ex Arniston AB
pustulata Napier/N GD
spec.Alexanderbay DH
tenella Niewoudtville
If anybody is interested for bulbs please contact me via PM
I prefer swap ( for things what I not have in my collection )
Or payment ( reasonable prices + posting charges )
If wished I can take Pictures for the size of bulbs
...sorry ...all bulbs are gone ...
Best wishes