TUESDAY, 19 JANUARY 2021 FROM 19:30 UTC-20:30 UTC
Caley online talk: Petticoats and Plants - The untold story of Scotland's gardening women. Speaker - Deborah Reid
www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/petticoats-and-plants-the-untold-story-of-scotlands-gardening-women-tickets-133106538239The phenomenal success of Scotland’s gardening men has been well documented throughout history, but what of the women? Until now, there have been only glimpses of the extraordinary women who went ‘beyond their garden gates’ - women who cultivated, collected and made substantial contributions to horticulture within Britain. In-depth biographies of a selection of Scottish gardening women reveal how they were effectively marginalised and why their work has largely been forgotten within the narrative of Scotland’s garden history.
Talk Registration
To register for the talk, please follow the link to our Eventbrite page. Our online talks are free but you will need to register in order to be sent the link to access the talk. Remember to register in plenty of time for the event. Registration will close at 5pm on the 19th of January.