Hello all,
I haven't been on the forum now for quite a few (busy) years, but I'm back in the club as a member and want to get involved.
I'm also a member of the Hebe Society and we are in the process of being recognised as the UK (possibly European) registrars of Hebe (Shrubby Veronica, as we are now supposed to say). As part of this development towards us being recognised as registrars for the Genus (and probably what were Parahebe too), myself and our Society Chairman have been looking at nurseries that have introduced Hebe cultivars to ask them to complete some paperwork on their introductions.
I happened upon Choice Landscapes from Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, who I had previously received a catalogue from way back when - probably around 2000. They don't have a website and although I've emailed them I have had no response. Does anyone know please if they are still operating as a nursery? I recall them having a really good plant range primarily of alpines and wanted to see what they had.
Also, if you have bred a variety of Hebe or Parahebe please get in touch so we can look to register it. No cost associated with registration. It is more to ensure that name repetition doesn't occur and we can get descriptions of all extant varieties.