Open for a long weekend - Friday/Saturday/Sunday, 21/22/23 July, 2pm - 5pm are TWO GARDENS IN BANCHORY DEVENICK.
Pinetrees Cottage is a mature garden set in three-quarters of an acre, filled with a wide range of hardy plants including acers, topiary and roses, with two ponds. An alpine house is fronted by stone troughs filled with rock plants. Set in a backdrop of mature pine trees to the north and open fields to the south.
This is the garden of SRGC Member "Angie" and her husband- it is glorious!!
Whin Cottage, which is new for 2023, is a cottage garden of just under half an acre surrounded by farmland. It features several mixed borders, two formal rose beds, a wildlife pond and four raised beds growing a variety of vegetables and flowers for the house. The garden reflects a love of colour and structure and an interest in wildlife.
There is limited parking at Whin Cottage, but you can park up at Pinetree Cottage and walk back down.
I don't know this garden myself, but I bet it's worth seeing!
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