Robin, I have never seen as many ants in my entire life as I have seen the 3½ years we have lived here.
Not sure which ones are the worst, the small reddish coloured ones that moved under the nanum or the huge black carpenter ants that make a beeline for pots and eat the roots of the plants.
I thought I would outsmart them and put windowscreen gauze over the holes at the bottom of the pots, guess what!!
They just climbed up the sides and tunnelled in from the top grrrrrrrr!!
I am considering digging up one of the nanums and making it an indoor plant.
Darren, I inherited a sanguineum when we moved into the house, I keep digging it out but it is around 4X4 feet at the moment.
I don't mind the white one getting bigger but the magenta one seems to be much more robust.
I lost a few lovely little clumps cinereum 'Ballerina' just a few weeks ago, were looking fine one day and a few days later wilting and browning off.
Some of my erodiums seem to be going the same way.