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Author Topic: Trillium  (Read 1826 times)


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    • Karl Kristensen's Garden
« on: November 17, 2008, 08:16:48 PM »
I have flowering size of Trillium smallii and other plants and would like to exchange. I am looking for:


ovatum flora plena
ovatum var. maculosum
ovatum var. oettingerii
maculatum f. simulans
maculatum forma luteum
recurvatum forma luteum and forma shayi (and also the other forms of that species)
various forms of nivale 
various forms and cultivar of grandiflorum, for example a green double form.
angustipetalum yellow form
cernuum var. macranthum
cernuum forma tangerae
pusillum var. monticola
sulcatum yellow form
undulatum forma enotatum
vaseyi white form
foetidissimum forma luteum
gracile forma luteum
reliquum forma luteum
stamineum forma luteum
underwoodii yellow form
apetalon var. atropurpureocarpum
apetalon var. rubrocarpum
apetalon var. viridipurpureocarpum
apetalon forma album
apetalon forma tripetalum
x miyabeanum
x yezoense
x hagae
camschatcense var. kurilense
camschatcense var. soyanum
camschatcense forma plenum
camschatcense forma violaceanum
smallii var. atropurpureocarpum
smallii forma album
tschonoskii var. atrorubens
tschonoskii forma cryptopetalum
I am also looking for different species with six leaves.
Karl Kristensen
Denmark. www.kalle-k.dk

Anthony Darby

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Re: Trillium
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 11:13:48 PM »
That's quite a list. I thought I had quite a few vars but I have none of those. Are you in the Trillium forum Karl. I was until I was spat out because my in box became full.
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"


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    • Karl Kristensen's Garden
Re: Trillium
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2008, 03:56:23 PM »
I am a member of the Trillium forum and I also receive seeds from there and I have also made some Trillium from seeds, for example, nivale and several colours form of erectum.
Anthony I know that it is quite special Trillium I'm looking for and I do not think there are many who grow the Asian species.
In my collection I have a few of the Asian species, but it is the more common, for example camschatcense, tschonoskii, apetalon and smallii.
I would like to hear, if there are other members who grow other of the Asian species.
Karl Kristensen
Denmark. www.kalle-k.dk


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