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Author Topic: Unidentified Nepalese Gentiana  (Read 1576 times)

Paul E.

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Unidentified Nepalese Gentiana
« on: January 12, 2009, 11:40:12 PM »
I'm having some problems identifying this species of Gentiana that was collected in central Nepal. I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer!

From what I've seen, the closest it seems to come to is either Gentiana ornata, or Gentiana farreri, but there are still apparent differences between these. See http://www.srgc.org.uk/shows/newcastle/report.html and http://www.rmrp.com/Images/Plants/G/Gentiana%20farreri%20100DPI.jpg .

The problem is that there are around 60 species of Gentiana native to Nepal  :-\, so I suppose that this could be one of the little known ones. I've had taxonomical training myself, but when it comes to a genus like Gentiana there really is no better way to differentiate the species than visually it seems!
Paul - pursuing Himalayan alpines down at 2m above sea level


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Re: Unidentified Nepalese Gentiana
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 05:15:00 PM »
Wow, that is a beauty, maybe this link will help;
It will take you to Gentiana in Flora of China section Kudoa.
Good luck :)
Hristo passed away, after a long illness, on 11th November 2018. His support of SRGC was  much appreciated.


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