I have received an e-mail from this lady and have agreed to place her request on this very helpful forum. Would members please reply to Robin personally at the e-mail address below:-
Hello Cliff Booker,
Out of the blue whilst searching for info on the web about Alpine Gardening I came across the Alpine Garden site and emailed Alan Grainger. He recommended I contact you as he is unable to help me so I hope you don't mind.
Originally from Scotland, I now live partly in Switzerland and have started to create an alpine garden above Salvan near Martigny – south facing 1,200 metres. There are no alpine specialists growing plants that I have come across although I have visited the Botanical Garden at Champex-Lac and bought some seed and so I wondered if you had some contacts or information that would help me in my search and or information about Alpine experiences in the area of Valais. We do have some wonderful alpine flowers around us and I would like to learn more about them. It's good to have to speak French and read what I can but it can be a little frustrating!
Your forum at the Scottish Rock Gardening Club looks very interesting and informative - is there anyone contributing who might be able to help me?
Thank you,
Robin Haldane (Mrs)