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In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
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Topic: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure... (Read 2746 times)
Katherine J
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Posts: 521
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In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
August 03, 2009, 02:52:09 PM »
Hi Everybody,
We are just back from the beautiful Dolomites. Could anybody please identify for me this little snake? It was about 20 cm long, and wandering on the Bindelweg ridge, exactly where the Eritrichium nanum grows.
Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 08:13:56 PM by Maggi Young
Kata Jozsa - Budapest, Hungary
Zone 6
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #1 on:
August 03, 2009, 07:22:30 PM »
It seems it is
Vipera berus
crossed viper - in German 'Kreuzotter' - I hope you didn't stroke it!
Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 08:14:20 PM by Maggi Young
Gerd Knoche, Solingen
Lesley Cox
way down south !
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #2 on:
August 03, 2009, 10:16:54 PM »
Why not Gerd? It does have a beautiful skin.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Maggi Young
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #3 on:
August 03, 2009, 11:02:40 PM »
Quote from: Lesley Cox on August 03, 2009, 10:16:54 PM
Why not Gerd? It does have a beautiful skin.
Yes, and a venomous bite, Lesley ......
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #4 on:
August 03, 2009, 11:31:30 PM »
But if one were to grab it behind the head, in the approved snake manner.... oh well, perhaps not.
We have no snakes in NZ, either native or introduced, so it's easy to be quite blase (ay) about them.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Katherine J
Hero Member
Posts: 521
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #5 on:
August 04, 2009, 08:00:56 AM »
Wow! Thank You Gerd. I googled a little, and it seems You have right. But I think this was still a baby. It "ran" away quickly... Anyway, I'm glad to NOT meet his mother.
Kata Jozsa - Budapest, Hungary
Zone 6
Otto Fauser
Bulb Legend
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Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #6 on:
August 04, 2009, 08:39:08 AM »
Lesley , you are extremely fortunate in NZ that none of our poisonous snakes have reached
your shores - but count yourself lucky we gave you our 'cuddly' possums ., which wake me
up during the night landing on the roof from an overhanging tree and doing a wardance .
Collector of rare bulbs & alpines, east of Melbourne, 500m alt, temperate rain forest.
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
Gardening forever, house work.....whenever!
Re: In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
Reply #7 on:
August 04, 2009, 10:05:21 PM »
As you know very well Otto, I'm not at ALL pleased you gave us your possums and far from being cuddly, they have savage claws and a vicious bite. I'm especially unhappy about possums at present because Teddy has found a (mostly) decomposed body somewhere and persists in bringing it inside where it falls to disgusting pieces and has to be gathered up in newspaper and put on the fire. In order to make our life easier, Roger has made a dog door in the front door (which opens into the dining room) so Teddy comes and goes as he likes and makes an extremely quick exit when I go to grab the possum bits. I've so far gathered up pieces that I'd say add up to several possums yet still the beastly stuff comes. I can't find where he has it outside. So possums aren't popular here at present - or ever. Teddy is getting less and less popular too.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
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Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Plant Identification
Plant Identification Questions and Answers
In the Dolomites - not a plant for sure...
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