The Rock Garden Club Prague had this traditional weekend from 16-18 October at Horni Bradlo,122 km east of Prague.
About 100 persons joined this meeting and had a good time with many fine lectures and good bohemian food and beer.
Even 4 forumists were among the participants,at the photo you can see from left Jozef Lemmens from Belgium,
Michal Hoppel from Poland,Zdenek Rehacek from Czech Republic and me from Germany.
The travel to this place was a true adventure,masses of snow covered the roads and the wet and heavy snow damaged
many trees.Some even fell over the roads and my friend had to wait until the local fire brigade cleared the way with
the chain saw.
It was a pity,that the planned trips to intersting places around and garden visits had to be cancelled,but a marathon
of outstanding lectures was a good substitute for this.