Maggi, Mark, Anthony, David,
this lesson teached me not to trust anymore "online dictionaries"
. I'll use the latin names from next time. They're more distinctive.
Please read: "Regular breeders are Passer domesticus, Passer montanus, Sturnus vulgaris, Parus major, Parus caeruleus and Phoenicurus ochruros."
I'm glad my wrong translation has caused so much smile in your faces, comments and interest.
For all those of you who want to improve their German bird name knowledge:
Passer domesticus = Haussperling
Passer montanus = Feldsperling
Sturnus vulgaris = Star
Parus major = Kohlmeise
Parus caeruleus = Blaumeise
Phoenicurus ochruros = Hausrotschwänzchen
Phoenicurus phoenicurus = Gartenrotschwanz
Alcedo atthis = Eisvogel (David
Apus apus = Mauersegler (Mark
At last, thanks for the detailed distribution area of Redstarts in the UK.
Redstarts in Germany are rare due to distroyed enviroment (agriculture) and missing breeding possibilities. Only on country side with many cattles & hourses you have some chance to see one. Black Redstarts are much more often to see and willingly utilize half-open nest boxes when offered.
To hang up nest boxes is an good investment not only in bird protection. By eating aphids and other destructive insects they help us in our garden works throughout the year. Good topic Mark!