Does anybody know of any work done on bulbs/alpine perennials and beneficial relationships with mycorrhiza/rhizobia?
I was wondering about this because I am aware that a number of Australian natives and South African proteacea, that live in harsh, impoverished soils have evolved relationships with various soil fungi/bacteria that help them extract more nutrients from the soil.
While these relationships are generally assumed to exist only amongst larger shrubs there are a number of Australian terrestrial orchid species that benefit from such a relationship, Caladenia and associated genera such as Glossodia and even Diuris (
A web search turned up some US trials of inoculation of onions and garlic that appeared to have positive results on growth and yields and
Given that alpine perennials and bulbs live in fairly hostile environments, where soils can be impoverished I was wondering if anybody has any information on whether such relationships might exist?
If they do it might explain why bulbs/perennials grown in identical conditions sometimes vary so greatly in their performance.
Thanks Anita