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No, for comfort, I prefer this sort of cushion but it wouldn't do near so well outdoors...
Thanks, Trond! No, it is my sister's work. I don't do anything clever or useful... other than going to work, I guess.
One of the highlights of my trip to Kazakhstan last September was finding Saxifraga albertii, the only Porophyllum that grew in the Tian Shan where we travelled, growing far above treeline (a single small specimen) but then again below treeline on a harsh, gravelly riverbed on the steppes! The picture was taken at the edge of the Djabagly Nature reserve, actually on the Kirghizstan side of the river separating the two nations (we crossed illegally!): it was such a surprise to find a magnificent cushion nearly 30cm across on gravel, at such a low elevation! We did get quite a bit of seed. I would love to see it in white bloom in the spring!The last picture shows the highest peak in Kirghiztan, not far from where I photographed the saxifrage: it is apparently very popular with climbers: the day was a bit overcast, and I had to zoom in a bit to get the shot...the peak is about 5000m: the Tian Shan are truly awe-inspiring mountains!
Not exactly a cushion, certainly not now!This is all I can see of my roof grown saxes today!