It was a great show indeed Maggi !
From what I heard from Ray Drew, the number of plants was very slightly down, but the overall quality was better than last year.
The number of visitors also seemed to be up - there were times where one could hardly move in the sales area !
Again, it was much fun meeting old and new Forum friends... as Tony, we're starting to get short of time to look at the plants.. too much chatting to do
I did manage to get some pictures made (not as good as Tony's I'm afraid) so here they come.
I'll start with the Farrer winner :
1) Corydalis popovi
2-3-4-5) Some frighteningly perfect 3 pan entries of Dionysia
6) Dionysia 'Brimstone'
7) Dionysia freitagii
8 ) Dionysia x 'Gnom' - How on earth do you grow a plant as perfectly symmetrical as this
9) Dionysia "Monika" - simply huge !!
10) A lonesome Frit : Fritillaria aurea
Back later with some more !