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which Iris flowers in May?
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Topic: which Iris flowers in May? (Read 2236 times)
wooden shoe
Full Member
Posts: 171
which Iris flowers in May?
May 20, 2011, 07:02:46 PM »
And not only flower in May, but is also suited for my garden?
After the tulips, daffodils and crocus have flowered there is always a quiet period in the sunny part of the garden. I have decided to brighten up the empty spots with iris. But which?
This part of the garden is sunny, has well drained sand and is relatively dry. The sand has a slight amount of humus and is about neutral.
I am searching for Iris which are flowering in May, are well adapted to this kind of soil and preferably keeps down in winter so the other bulbs have room in spring. An Iris who is perfectly suited is Iris germanica. I like them and have 2 cultivars but would also like different types. Any suggestions?
Rob - central Nederland Zone 7b
Hero Member
Posts: 1369
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #1 on:
May 20, 2011, 07:37:08 PM »
If you like germanica and it grows well, pallida, variagata, aphylla, lutescens, and reichenbachii should be easy.
so long as it is definately not limey Iris thomsoni, chrysophylla and innominata should be happy in cooler spots, douglasii is more leafy but the easiest of this group.
Any of the dutch/spanish iris, latifolia is more leafy
Iris cycloglossa,
Iris typhifolia and small forms of sibirica, I forrestii
Iris cristata, tenuis, tectorum, milesii,
Iris setosa forms
living near Stranraer, Scotland. Gardening in the West of Scotland.
wooden shoe
Full Member
Posts: 171
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #2 on:
May 20, 2011, 07:52:22 PM »
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your quick and extensive response. Of your examples I grow Iris setosa and Iris forrestii close to the garden pond because I always thought they would need lots of water. Is this only partially true or can they stand more drought than I thought?
Of Iris cristata and the like I had the thoughts that they would like more humeous ground and some shade, but do they also do well in full sun?
Hope you can help me again
Rob - central Nederland Zone 7b
Hero Member
Posts: 1369
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #3 on:
May 20, 2011, 08:07:27 PM »
forrestii is very tolerant so are sibirica and typhifolia.
There are many forms of setosa/ tridentata/ hookeri from 5cm to 1m high
cristata likes a cooler place like where moss grows. Try covering it with some gravel to keep the roots cool.
living near Stranraer, Scotland. Gardening in the West of Scotland.
Hero Member
Posts: 1369
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #4 on:
May 20, 2011, 08:09:45 PM »
smaller forms of Iris lactea and I sintinisii are very tough plants too and I missouriensis is lovely but a little bigger and very tolerant
living near Stranraer, Scotland. Gardening in the West of Scotland.
wooden shoe
Full Member
Posts: 171
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #5 on:
May 21, 2011, 04:47:10 PM »
Thank you, there's certainly enough choice in the options to make a nice pick. Next year's exchange I will see what I can get hold off. And I happen to have seedlings of Iris variegata and Iris lactea. When they are large enough I will locate them there.
Rob - central Nederland Zone 7b
Lesley Cox
way down south !
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Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #6 on:
May 21, 2011, 11:28:02 PM »
And you would find all the different forms and hybrids of I. sibirica start now, then the Japanese irises and many species like clarkei, delavayi, bulleyana, chrysographes and so on. Really the MAIN iris time, for the taller kinds at least, is late spring into summer. We have many in flower at Christmas (southern hemsphere)
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Hero Member
Posts: 1369
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #7 on:
May 22, 2011, 08:17:02 AM »
Lesley, the reqest was for iris on
sunny well drained sand
would succede spring bulbs
. I clarkii might do but bulleyana, wilsonii and most sibirica cultivars might struggle with drought and if they succeded would be too leafy. as for ensatas and laevigata they would be too big and would need a lot of preparation for water retention, or to be grown in tubs of water besides being rather large to grow amoung small bulbs
One easy plant I did forget though is Iris florentina.
I left out the smallest pogons suaveolens, attica, pumila, pseudopumila and obscure items -regelias Chinensis etc as I thought the ones I listed were better ones to start
with and find out what would succede.
living near Stranraer, Scotland. Gardening in the West of Scotland.
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
Gardening forever, house work.....whenever!
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #8 on:
May 22, 2011, 10:34:19 PM »
Sorry, I didn't read far enough, just saw the need for irises to come after other things after a spring blooming. Ignore it all.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Tom Waters
Sr. Member
Posts: 269
iris geek
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #9 on:
May 23, 2011, 12:02:39 AM »
If you are not restricting yourself to species, there are many lovely tall bearded hybrids that would fit the bill.
Tom Waters
Telperion Oasis ~
Cuyamungue, New Mexico, USA
USDA zone 6
Tecophilaea King
Hero Member
Posts: 679
traveling off the beaten track
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #10 on:
May 27, 2011, 11:37:47 AM »
Which Iris flowers in May? Not exactly Northern Hemisphere, but thought it interesting to show what is starting off our Iris season in May and the Southern Hemisphere.
This is
Iris unguicularis Purple Trinity
which I was lucky enough to have acquired from our local Iris group and is I believe an improved, named New Zealand selection of this species.
Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 12:27:59 PM by Tecophilaea King
Bill Dijk in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Climate zone 10
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
Gardening forever, house work.....whenever!
Re: which Iris flowers in May?
Reply #11 on:
May 29, 2011, 01:02:59 AM »
Bill I'm delighted to see 'Purple Trinity' doing well with you. I lost mine through it being overgrown without my noticing, some years ago. I don't remember it as being QUITE so brilliantly coloured as that but all the same, it was a very rich purple and very neat and compact, compared with other unguicularis forms, and of good, strong texture in the petals. If you have a spare plant sometime, I would be very grateful to buy it or swap for something good.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
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Specific Families and Genera
which Iris flowers in May?
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