Greetings Len, newly crowned Hero of the Bulb Index! I make no apologies for repeating our gratitude to you for your efforts on the Index.
Most Cyclamen do curl or coil the pedicel from the top ( flower end) downwards, when the flower is successfully fertilised and the seed capsule develops but in C. graecum it is a little different. In this case the coiling begins from the bottom, or even some way up the stem... so the coil forms as the capsule forms but the capsule ends up sticking out sideways rather than being drawn tightly down to the soil surface. Un-fertilised flowers tend not to coil, we find. I think this is fairly usual. So coiling and fattening should be good signs. When we get cyclamen seed forming, or appearing so to do, it is generally there... and not a phantom pregnancy as can so often be the case with narcissus.
Good luck with your pollinating: always worth a little work with the paintbrush.