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Author Topic: Bulb fly.  (Read 3060 times)


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Bulb fly.
« on: November 05, 2007, 02:54:51 AM »
I have never ever used the hot water treatment for any of my miniatures or intermediate narcissus.   No matter how careful you are damage will certainly follow.  Even in miniatures all bulbs are not the same size so how could you possibly tell the amount of time to leave in water.   Dave Adams here in NZ is advising leaving bulbs to be left in the sun to dry out to help with Basia rot but I would not do that either.  Most cyclamineus would shrivel up,  Until Suscon Green came on the scene I had always sprinkled Diaznon Prills around the bulbs, Lifted as soon as the foliage dies down, Dried slowly and stored in cool place. When it came to planting again I always dipped each bulb in Benlate Mixed with any other dried fungicide before planting and I never had any Basal rot.  Of course benlate has now one off the market and I now use anything I can get my hand on. Hope this may be of some help.   Betty Clark  Elizabeth St Ashburton, NZ.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 01:44:57 PM by Maggi Young »


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