Friends, a message from Mark Roh to ask for help in obtaining samples of Eranthis leaves for research:
"I am now working with my colleagues in Korea for molecular work with Eranthis.
We are looking for Eranthis sibirica and "Eranthis longistipitata" . All we need a leaf sample - about 3 to 4 leaves packed in silica gels. We will cover all expenses to get leaf samples and get samples mailed to Korea (address will be given later).
Would any of your members be able to help us? If leaf samples won't be available, we can receive seeds at costs, and then try to germinate later to get leaves.
We desperately need leaf samples. If we can get this species, we will be very happy.
Please, please help, since this is not common.
My best regards,
Mark S. Roh
5100 Caverly Place
Beltsville, MD 20705
Marksroh AT
Perhaps someone can help?