Mark, thanks to the cool nights which we have been having this summer I have several wintergreens up already; serapias lingua, a couple of Ophrys and Anacamptis morio included. This prompted me to do my annual mega repot of the supposedly dormant tubers and I found that many were decidedly undormant. I've been giving just the very occasional light sprinkling of water to these all summer, and one or two look as though they haven't had enough, but once they break the surface careful, gentle watering can start. I just hope that it doesn't come too hot now.
As to what can be grown in pots, I grow all my hardies in pots due to a soil which resembles Skeggy beach and a slug population which has been on steroids and fertility treatment this summer. I'm thinking of building a plunge bed as I lost a few due to excessive freezing last year, (-17 overnight, leading to -7 in the greenhouse even with the heating on) but I've been growing them on the benches for several years with reasonable success.