I'm going to take my life in my hands and suggest that the second one is A. paniculatum ..... we'll see what those who really know their onions say!
Maggi, I may need to hang up my Onion Man moniker and pass it along to you; you're getting darn good at Allium IDs!
Mark, your first little pink Allium looks like
A. mairei, which has among its synonyms amabile, yunnanense, and pyrrhorrhizum... it still goes around in the seed lists as the first two names, particularly amabile. It is a mid to late summer bloomer, so the timing is right.
The second one, I agree with maggi, is one of those dwarf red-flowered
A. paniculatum forms. The species is widely variable, and even with 4 subspecies (the reddish toned ones described as ssp. fuscum), I found that many can't be placed squarely within one subspecies or another. The selection named 'Jerry' (by me) was for my friend Jerry John Flintoff. Probably no way of telling if your plant is one and the same as the one I named 'Jerry' many years ago, I would suggest just referring to it as a A. paniculatum "dwarf red form".
Unfortunately, I know longer have this showy dwarf red form. Mark S... may I please beg a pinch of seed if you manage to collect some.