hello everyone,
does anyone have any good advice on growing allium red eye sucesfully?
i wanted to grow some this year for a show. I planted a few bulbs in the ground and a few in big pots last october. (end of october and early november). They seemed to root quickly, and then almost immediately produced leaves, these all looked fine untill disaster struck! -17°c for 3 days in january/february, followed by wet alternating with freezing cold. The overwintering leaves all died and turned to slush as i had imagined, however, i thought the bulb would still be ok and a possibility of flowering, but they had all died too, apart from 2 in pots which had miraculousely survived, but grew very poorly...
i did not know this was an anutumn growing hybrid?
would it be better perpahs to store bulbs in a fridge untill late november and plant then, when leaves cannot grow anyway because it is too cold? or plant in february? or will this harm the bulbs??