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SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
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Topic: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013 (Read 1919 times)
Maggi Young
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SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
June 28, 2013, 08:09:57 PM »
SRGC SUMMER MEETING - Flowers of the Hills and Mountains -
Dunblane, 17th August 10.00am to 4.00pm
Show Secretary Sandy Leven, 2, Leighton Court, Dunblane FK15 0ED
Tel 01786 824064 sandy.leven@btinternet.com (and see Show Schedule)
Venue : Dunblane Christian Fellowship Hall, Station Road, Dunblane
Location Opposite the railway station
Staging 8.30am till 10.00 am on Saturday 18 th August
A summer event to celebrate rock gardening.
This new event celebrates both the fact that the SRGC is a garden club and the plants which members grow.
It will illustrate and the beauty, diversity and garden worthiness of thewidest range of rock and woodland garden plants, bulbs, shrubs and trees, to encourage their cultivation in gardens and to encourage th exchange of plants and knowledge among gardeners.
The display is not intended to be floral art.
'Flowers of the Hills and Mountains'
The event comprises -
-short talks on 'My Garden' [c 30 min each ]
Graeme Strachan, Aberdeen
Anton Edwards, Caputh
George Watt, Ayrshire
In these short talks these enthusiasts describe the development of their beautiful gardens and some of the plants which they grow and propagate.
There will also be a plant display, plant sales and a seedling and plant exchange.
All welcome!!
Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 11:14:10 AM by Maggi Young
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
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Posts: 1729
Black Pudding Girl
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #1 on:
August 19, 2013, 09:54:20 AM »
What an absolutely terrific day we had in Dunblane on Saturday. Many thanks to Sandy for organising and to the especially hard working kitchen staff and plant salesmen and women. All day tea/coffee and biscuits for £2 a person (who said the Scots had a reputation for being careful with their money) plus a very interesting selection of display plants and 3 'My Garden' talks which left us exhausted just seeing and hearing the work that had gone into them.
Make sure you put next year's date in your diary you won't regret it. They make us southerners very welcome.
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.
"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington
Maggi Young
Forum Dogsbody
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"There's often a clue"
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #2 on:
August 19, 2013, 11:15:47 AM »
Crumbs Shelagh, are you and Brian "Southerners" - how come no-one noticed? We just thought you were loyal members......
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Hero Member
Posts: 1729
Black Pudding Girl
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #3 on:
August 24, 2013, 02:30:12 PM »
Well I took a few pictures. Glassford seemed to be doing a great job covering everything, but I'll just put mine up to be going on with.
There were a few exhibits I was immediately drawn to because they came with their own Gin bottle and there was a terrific collection of Clematis show by Sue Simpson but I only got a few of them.
Allium with gin accompaniment.JPG
Androcymbium striatum.JPG
Arenaria alvacariense.JPG
Asplenium trichomanes incisum.JPG
Clematis exhibit.JPG
Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 05:37:07 PM by Maggi Young
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.
"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington
Hero Member
Posts: 1729
Black Pudding Girl
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #4 on:
August 24, 2013, 02:34:13 PM »
More Clematis and a Codonopsis convolvulacea with info. Unfortunately lots of people didn't put their names on their plants.
There were a couple of Eucryphia's which are a wonderful shrub for late flowering and one of my favourites. This one was very tiny but I'm afraid I forgot to get it's name.
Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 05:39:38 PM by Maggi Young
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.
"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington
Hero Member
Posts: 1729
Black Pudding Girl
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #5 on:
August 24, 2013, 02:38:15 PM »
A larger Eucyphia though still in a pot. Some more excellent Gin (Oh I'm sorry were there plants in there). Ophiopogon p. n. which John Dower described as a plant for all seasons after he got 3 firsts for it in foliage, flower and berry a few seasons ago.
Also a wonderful fern.
Eucryphia penwith(2).JPG
more good gin.JPG
no name but good gin.JPG
Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens.JPG
Polystichum setiferum plumosum densum.JPG
Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 05:40:13 PM by Maggi Young
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.
"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington
Hero Member
Posts: 1729
Black Pudding Girl
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #6 on:
August 24, 2013, 02:41:50 PM »
A Sedum from North Africa which had some people begging for an Irishmans cutting, and a wonderful Symphandra/Campanula which makes a terrific garden plant.
If everyone who attended had brought 5 plants then the tables would have been groaning. A really good day though.
Sedum brevifolium induratum
Symphandra zagezura
Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 05:40:50 PM by Maggi Young
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.
"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington
Maggi Young
Forum Dogsbody
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Posts: 44797
"There's often a clue"
Re: SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
Reply #7 on:
August 24, 2013, 02:45:03 PM »
I must have lead a very sheltered life - I had no idea all these variations on Gin existed.....
I do think the chance to show off the cut flowers is great fun. I do like the little clematis and the tiny Eucryphia is a beauty.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
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SRGC Summer Event- Dunblane 17th August 2013
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