1. Do you / have you used Mycorrhizal Fungi?
they are always in your garden. Its impossible to have a Mycorriza free soil there.
Most trees and lot of other plants (eg Ericaceae) need them
2. If the answer is No, then why not?
3. If the answer is Yes, where was it used, ie. around beds and borders, around trees or on lawns?
The soils are usually already occupied by other fungi. I only new, sterile soils which can be introduced. If you're lucky, they can hold their own against the then existing.
4. How was it applied, bare-root gel, granules, soil drench?
5. Comments - what did they actually see, any dramatic changes in the plant?
germinating orchid seed (Dactylorhiza), Not rotting Ophrys apifera etc. (need the right ones of fungi)