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Author Topic: Pulsatilla 2013  (Read 81890 times)

Great Moravian

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Re: Pulsatilla 2013
« Reply #405 on: November 19, 2013, 10:53:13 AM »
The following images illustrate the variability of plants in the locality.

Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: Pulsatilla 2013
« Reply #406 on: November 19, 2013, 10:55:27 AM »
I find in our climate that the new growth gets badly impeded by tangling in the old soggy foliage if it is not trimmed.....

We find the old foliage also provides a shelter for slugs and snails which eat the flower buds as they emerge. I usually trim the old leaves off during the winter at some point but am not organised enough to be methodical about the timing.

Darren Sleep. Nr Lancaster UK.


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Re: Pulsatilla 2013
« Reply #407 on: November 19, 2013, 12:12:35 PM »
I find that too Darren. Also they leaves get very mouldy and over lay plants nearby. Only trouble I have is that new growth sometimes gets removed with the leaves.


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Re: Pulsatilla 2013
« Reply #408 on: November 21, 2013, 04:15:26 PM »
First of all, thank you for beautiful and interesting pictures, Josef!

Second, I think best way to find Pulsatilla integrifolia seeds is to become friendly with someone who grows it, or check the seedlists. The Swedish list has offered it several times.  I fear it is quite unlikely to find it in a commercial list?

My question is; does anyone know for sure if there are P wallichiana plants/ seeds around or is it just a confusion with P campanella? As far as I have understood, the wallichiana is if not totally extincted at least almost?

Third... I am now a little ashamed having showed how lazy I am not tidying up in my garden. I thought I had found a very good and clever excuse for it. Regarding small slugs, I have millions of them an it does not really matter if I tidy up some of the plants or not. I have most of the Hepaticas under an old apple tree, and when I unpatiently look under the leaves in springtime there is not only Hepatica buds but a happy snail nursery as well. But somehow, it does not seem to harm the Hepaticas, or actually, anything else but some Hostas that has sometimes gotten a decorative hole or two...or five...
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