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Author Topic: Papaver croceum alias Papaver nudicaule at the Morteratsch glacier  (Read 909 times)

Great Moravian

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An example of naturalized alpine plant is Papaver croceum at the Morteratsch glacier, incorrectly labelled Papaver rhaeticum in the AGS Photographic Competition. The latter never has orange flowers, solely yellow.
Papaver aurantiacum Loisel.
syn. Papaver alpinum L. subsp. rhaeticum (Ler.) Markgraf, Papaver rhaeticum Leresche
Papaver croceum Ledeb., Papaver nudicaule of the gardens
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
Krieg, Handel und Piraterie, dreieinig sind sie, nicht zu trennen
War, business and piracy are triune, not to separate


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