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Author Topic: Scottish Primula Show 2015  (Read 2127 times)


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Scottish Primula Show 2015
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:29:57 PM »
16 May: The First Ever Scottish Auricula and Primula show 

 Auchterarder Community Church Centre, Auchterader PH3 1DF.
Staging 1000hrs. Show 1200-1600hrs

The show has a great many classes and caters for florists’ auriculas/primulas as well as species. This is the first show in Scotland dedicated solely to primulas. Please, whether as a grower, shower or viewer give the show your support and have a great day out.

Contact: Alison Goldie at secretary@thescottishauriculaandprimulasociety.com

Trade stands, catering etc.

First Show Schedule
Section 1                    Auriculas pot size 3-4 inches / 9-12 cm except Border classes

1. One plant Show Auricula Edged.
2. One plant Show Auricula Self.
3. One plant Show Auricula Fancy edged.
4. One plant Show Auricula Fancy other than edged.
5. One plant Show Auricula Striped.
6. One plant Show Auricula Double.
7. One plant Border Auricula - pot not to exceed 1lt.
8. One plant Gold centre Auricula.
9. One plant Light centre Auricula.
10. A collection of 3 Auriculas, One plant per pot any type, 3 different cultivars.
11. A collection of 3 Auriculas, One plant per pot any type, all the same cultivar.
12. A collection of 6 Auriculas, One plant per pot any type, 6 different cultivars.
13. Novice class - One Auricula plant any type.
14. SeePrimula farinosadlings for display and discussion.

Section 2   Vernales Species & Hybrids, Pot/pan size to be in scale with plant but not to exceed 12"/ 30cm in diameter.

15. One pan Primula scotica.
16. One pan Primula acaulis.
17. One pan Primula veris.
18. One pan Primula elatior.
19. One pan Primula farinose.
20. One pan Primula Asiatic species.
21. One pan Primula European species or Hybrid.
22. A collection of 4 Vernales species, one plant per pot at least two species or sub species.
23. One pan Primula double.
24. One pan Gold Lace Polyanthus.
25. One pan Primula Jack in Green.
26. A collection of 3 large flowered Primula or Polyanthus, all different.
27. Novice -One pan Primula species or sub species.
28. Novice - Two pan Primula species or sub species different & distinct.
29. Novice - One pan large flowered Primula.
30. Novice - One pan large flowered Polyanthus

« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 06:32:02 PM by FrazerHenderson »
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