After completing the re-potting of my collection mid-September the outstanding jobs were to inspect, clean and refresh the seed pots from 2013 and 2014 and to plant the 2015 seed. Today I finished the clean-up of seed pots. You can see the difference this makes in one pic below. I remove the top half of the compost in these seed pots and replace it with fresh. The seedling bulbs are always below this level but leaving it until they begin to grow means I can see the level they are at more easily. Usually there are new shoots to guide me, sometimes roots exploring upwards are the sign. Why not do it dry before they start to grow? From past experience it is all to easy to throw out the small seedling bulbs with the old compost.
Crocus serotinus salzmannii and Crocus tournefortii x boryi both caught my eye in flower today.