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Topic: Visiting Fritz Kummert (Read 1868 times)
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Posts: 477
Visiting Fritz Kummert
April 02, 2014, 06:45:16 PM »
Last week I visited for the first time Mr. Fritz Kummert at his home and garden in Styria. While his health is not so good, he is full of enthusiasm when talking about plants. He has plans to visit Croatia in early summer but also to continue his breeding lines in Gentiana, Helleborus, Daphne etc.
Here are some pictures
Mr. Kummert talking about his Daphne genkwa
Mr. Kummert depicting his ideas about Gentiana breeding (other colours than blue or white)
One of his Gentianas, full of buds
one of his Hellebores
Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 06:57:11 PM by Pauli
in Linz, Austria
Sr. Member
Posts: 477
Re: Visiting Fritz Kummert
Reply #1 on:
April 02, 2014, 06:56:47 PM »
He is also selecting Austrian Pulsatillas. Here his famous pink-rose Pulsatilla hallery stiriaca. Unfortunately it was only half open because of cold and cloudy weather.
Daphne modesta in his alpine-house, full of Cacti, Mesems, orchids, Frits .........
in Linz, Austria
Sr. Member
Posts: 306
Re: Visiting Fritz Kummert
Reply #2 on:
April 02, 2014, 07:07:52 PM »
I happen to grow one of Mr Kummert's plants,but it's none of those above-mentioned...
I bought it from Ewald Hügin in Freiburg (Germany). The "father" of Sedum 'Matrona'.
It's an Origanum, which Ewald named Origanum 'Fritz Kummert'.
I love it!
The story also tells that after the terrible 2011-2012 winter, Ewald lost his mother plant due to the very cold temps they had at the foot of the Black Forest...
But mine survived and I could give him a part of mine back for further distribution!
So, thank you very much, Pauli, for giving me a glimpse at the "true" Fritz Kummert"! His Origanum will be all the more dear to me, now that I know his "father"!
Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 07:10:43 PM by zephirine
Between Lyon and Grenoble/France -1500 ft above sea level - USDA zone 7B
Maggi Young
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Re: Visiting Fritz Kummert
Reply #3 on:
April 02, 2014, 07:16:34 PM »
It has been my pleasure and honour to know and work with Fritz Kummert who is a very good friend to the SRGC and the International Rock Gardener. Mr Kummert is one of the great plantsmen and his knowledge and expertise is tremendous - plus, he is very charming!
You were very fortunate to visit him and his garden, Herbert.
Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 07:18:09 PM by Maggi Young
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Cyril L
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Posts: 328
Re: Visiting Fritz Kummert
Reply #4 on:
April 02, 2014, 08:26:22 PM »
Thank you Herbert for showing photos of Mr Fritz Kummert's garden and some of his plants. I have corresponded with Fritz on a few occasions and we have exchanged some plant material, so it is exciting to see these pictures. I wish him stable health, hope he has a fruitful visit to Croatia and continues with his breeding programme. He is a truly great plantsman!
Tim Ingram
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Re: Visiting Fritz Kummert
Reply #5 on:
April 02, 2014, 10:50:32 PM »
That soft-pink
Pulsatilla halleri
looks the equal in every way of the famous blue 'Budapest'. What a beautiful plant and how nice to see these pictures. The world of alpine gardening really is pretty special and you learn more about it every day.
Dr. Timothy John Ingram. Nurseryman & gardener with strong interest in plants of Mediterranean-type climates and dryland alpines. Garden in Kent, UK.
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Visiting Fritz Kummert
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