Late Bulb Day - new venue, Scone, 20th September
SRGC LATE BULB Day 20th September 2014 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Note that this year the Late Bulb Day has moved to Old Scone Church Hall Burnside, Scone, Perth PH2 6LP
SHOW SECRETARY: Barry Caudwell, Abernyte Farm Cottage, Abernyte, Inchture, Perth, PH14 9ST.
Telephone 01828 686709.
VENUE: Old Scone Church Hall, Burnside, Scone, Perth PH2 6LP
TRAVEL DIRECTIONS: Entrance to Old Scone Church Hall is off the A94 (Perth/ Coupar Angus road), coming from Perth take the first left onto Cross Street and immediately left again onto Burnside and follow the signs for the David Douglas Memorial.
There is ample car parking in a large public car park just a few yards along past the hall.
Coffee at 10.00am Two Presentations one at 10.30am the other at 2 pm Tea at 3.30 pm
Jim Almond will be our guest speaker for the day:
Jim , based in Shropshire, is a well-known grower of alpines and bulbous plants with over 25 years’ experience in their cultivation. He has a national collection of juno Iris which are grown both in pots and the open garden together with many Snowdrops plus other bulbs.
"Fritillarias from A to Z"
The talk covers many of the Fritillaria known in cultivation in this photographic journey from A to Z.
Fritillarias have a worldwide distribution and whilst many have special requirements, there are quite
a few which can be grown outside in the UK
"Growing and propagating choice bulbs"
This talk will take a general look at a wide range of bulbs with tips on cultivation and propagation.
A wide range of genera will be covered including a mix of those suitable for the open garden and others suitable for growing in pots. Hopefully, something for everyone!
This is a ticket only event which you buy at the door cost £5
Bring a picnic lunch, self serve tea / coffee provided.
Members are encouraged to bring along as many pans of dwarf bulbs and flowering alpine plants as possible for display. A single flowering bulb or plant is of interest to other enthusiasts.
Contributions are invited for a 50:50 bulb & plant sale, which will be held to cover expenses.