Dear all,
Also this year I harvested in my garden in Trieste seeds from herbaceous peony species that I hand-pollinated in spring as follows:
P. clusii with pink blotch (mother plants from seeds collected in Crete)
P. flavescens (mother plants from a collection made by Will McLewin in Ficuzza near Palermo)
P. kesrouanensis (mother plant from JJA seeds) - only few seeds
P. broteri (mother plants from seeds collected in Algarve) - only few seeds
I wonder whether any member of the SRGC would be interested in them?
I would suggest a price of £4 for 5 seeds (plus £1 P&P).
Little seeds...but every little helps towards the maintenance of the garden!
Any queries please feel free to send me a personal message.
PS. Anybody who bought seeds from me last year, please do let me know how they grew!