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Author Topic: Lilium martagon scales, roots  (Read 921 times)


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Lilium martagon scales, roots
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:56:23 AM »
Still very new to chipping and scaling but it's very satisfying when it works.

Opened up some scales of L. martagon that were put into tubs or bags in late September. Mostly good results .. especially from L. m. albiflorum and from Yellow Bunting.

Curious to see this one when I opened the tub, a straight length of root projecting a couple of inches into the air space above the peat (tried adding a bit of vermiculite in this case, which seems to have made no difference where I made comparisons). Plenty of root hairs. I presume that means it's feeding well from the atmosphere immediately above the peat. It was a 2 litre tub, so a lot of medium relative to the air space and presumably a rich atmosphere.

A lot of the scales had good root development, in this tub and other tubs / bags. This was the only one I noticed projecting above the surface.

You can take the lad out of Leeds, but you can't ..


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