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Viv, I'm pretty sure that Peter's 'Seven Bells' (with reference to his career in the British Navy and his second-in-command status (I think) during the Falklands War) is a selection from the wild. It is certainly pure laciniata, not a hybrid. Seed from that one would be exciting but there is huge variation within laciniata. Even here, there are perhaps half a dozen clones in various shades. My best is a clear blue though not so dark as SB while the others range from deep pinks through magenta. I like the blues best, such an unexpected colour in Oxalis.
Narcissus viridflorus coming into bloom.
Still flowering well in the Rock Garden is this rather large Zauschneria (I refuse to call them Epilobiums); I wonder if it should be trimmed after flowering?cheersfermi
Zauschneria (I refuse to call them Epilobiums); cheersfermi
You must be joking!