Interesting Leena to see plants from northern sources, such as Thomas Tamberg in Germany and of course there are the English bred cultivars too, some well known here but more recently, it's American breeding that has been introduced to NZ and probably Australia as well. The Americans seem to love the bizarre and wildly frilly/flounced/fantasy types whereas my tastes are for the more formal and tailored look. I think the above comments about the older forms also apply to the Pacific Coast hybrids which are taking over the world, they being so fertile and widely available. There are certainly some fantastic plants with amazing forms and colour combos yet the older, innominata forms which we grew - and still do when available - are to my mind, the prettier. PC species are not so easily come-by and not so easy to establish either in some cases. As for tall bearded irises, they may as well be Christmas decorations or wedding gowns, with outlandish forms which I avoid like a plague in most cases. In recent years better-off members of NZIS have taken to going en mass to the AIS Conventions where they see such plants growing and the Americans BEING Americans are hugely generous with their knowledge, experience and especially their SEEDS, so that these oddball irises are becoming the usual thing here, taken up by local breeders and growers.