I originally bought them as medium sized bulbs, slightly smaller than a tennis ball, about 3 years ago. They have been growing in a very fertile sandy compost, "homemade" by a gardening firm that I buy compost from. in adittion, I have been giving them ocasional feeding with liquid seaweed.
bred from lilium henryi and lilium speciosum rubrum in 1957 by Leslie Woodriff in the USA, it is almost indestructible once settled. They form secondary buds on the pedicels, so flowering usually lasts about 7-8 weeks with me.
I have grown them both in large pots and in the ground, they dont really seem to mind which, as long as you give them a big deep pot. Being a heavy stem rooter, it needs at least 15-20 cm's of soil above the bulb.
(Anchoring roots below the bulb are not that big, so 15-20 cm's below seems fine) I grow mine both in full sun and half shade. It also produces young bulblets on the underground part of the stem, so will in time clump up quite nicely. These young bulbs begin to bloom after 2-3 years.
attatched are some pictures of them in bloom.