There is an alternative view-point about cats and their owners. Some cat owners are so arrogant that they believe they have the right to allow their cats to go into other peoples gardens and urinate on the plants, killing them. Have you seen brown patches on your plants. It is not caused by the weather. Some cat owners are so arrogant that they believe they have the right to allow their cats to enter other peoples gardens to leave their mess for the garden owners to clear up. If I find any in my garden I scoop it up with a trowel and put it in the wheelie bin. My neighbours cat used to leave its mess in my garden, I threw it back over the fence. Cats kill wildlife that have taken refuge in our gardens because humans have destroyed their habitats for houses, roads etc. Cats are not stupid. They know they only have to look cute and cuddly and they can train their owners to do anything. The answer could be to adopt a snow leopard for culling the cats. I actively dissuade cats from my garden. Please note that I said SOME cat owners. Not all are as arrogant.