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Geir MoenLately I've got some questions about propagating Jankaea heldreichii from seeds.So here is basically how I do it:I use a mix of 3 parts peat, 2 parts perlite, 1 part sand. Then on top of the compost I put a 0,5 cm layer of vermiculite. For larger seeds I would now sow on top of the vermiculite, and then put a top layer of grit. But for dust-like seeds as Jankaea, Shortia, some Primula etc., I first put the top layer of grit (thin - just so it covers the vermiculite). Then I spread the seeds on top of the grit. Finally I wash the seeds down between the grit down to the vermiculite by using a spray bottle. Then I place the pot (tray) so it can soak up water. Finally I seal with a plastic bag or lid and place outside for stratification.It's sometimes hard to sow the right amount of seeds, partly because of the dust-size and partly because the quality might vary from year to year. As you see from the picture last year seeds have now germinated, and I've used way to many seeds in each pot. Probably I'll just have to remove some seedlings so the rest can develop well.Keep in mind that propagating Jankaea from seeds is a slow process (that starts AFTER germination)