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Crocus October, 2018
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Topic: Crocus October, 2018 (Read 25587 times)
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Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #105 on:
October 27, 2018, 01:19:24 PM »
a few ones among many i missed this week, already faded
Crocus aleppicus from Oron's seeds OP213-048 - Sown 10-2015
Crocus goulimyi from Tony Goode - 9-96
Crocus thomasii from Kurt Vickery seeds - Sown 11/2015
North of France
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #106 on:
October 28, 2018, 01:49:13 PM »
Last week I rarely visited greenhouse - only to pick up died flowers. All the time were passed at computer and books, preparing 2 new species for publication (this case not crocuses).
Today, before coming of new hot wave was quite cold, sunny weather and in greenhouse, where only top (ion roof) windows are open was nicer and comfortable working, so again many pictures were prepared.
I start with new species, which I hope soon will be published by HKEP & al. from Israel. Un to now bloomed only individuals with pure white back of flower segments, now striped flowers joined.
Crocus boryi mostly are pure white, but sometimes there occur some striped individuals.
This cancellatus most likely is type form, but identification still isn't finished. It was collected in Syria, shortly before there started civil-war.
And the last is seedling of Crocus banaticus Snowdrift - they mostly are lilac.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
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Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #107 on:
October 28, 2018, 04:48:18 PM »
In this entry I'm returning to Crocus cartwrightianus. The first picture is the yellowish from Naxos. I think it already blooming for more than 2 weeks. On this picture you can see 4 flowers from corm, but at least 3-4 already are taken off but one more bud shows its nose out. One of the most floriferous crocuses, only one of my new species (still in preparing for publication) can compete with it.
Next is Cretan form of cartwrightianus. Recent genetic researches showed that genetically this Crocus cartwrightianus is quite variable, but to be named? Too little still is known.
Cultivar of Crocus cartwrightianus 'Halloween' is very nice, but seem to be hybrid. It didn't open so widely as are doing wild forms.
Another unusual Greek crocus is C. goulimyi - here its form with striped flowers, named 'Agia Sophia'.
An last in this entry is true C. clusii - collected in Portugal and by all features well responding to description of this species.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #108 on:
October 28, 2018, 05:02:59 PM »
Almost all species from Crocus speciosus group already finished blooming. The latest of them this season are C. xantholaimos, were few flowers still keep shape, but may be last day; similar is sakariensis, but the "champion"in this relation is Crocus hellenicus from Varnakovo. It is one of my favourites, so I again want to show it here.
Very special is the first picture of Crocus hakkariensis shown in this forum. You could tell - nothing special, but in this case it is very special, because it is the first finding of it in Iran, so Iranian Crocus flora got one more species, not new one at all, but new for Iran.
One from the next two pictures certainly is new species. Both are at present labeled as C. hermoneus, but one is from Golan Heights in Israel, another from Jordan. You can see how different both are, but there are other more hidden features separating both, too.
And the last is another "new" from Golan Heights in Israel.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #109 on:
October 28, 2018, 05:08:40 PM »
And in the last entry of today - variability of Crocus laevigatus - different forms from different places.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #110 on:
October 29, 2018, 10:51:53 AM »
On Greek Island of Naxos side are growing four autumn blooming crocus species. At some places even three of them are side by side.
Very special is Crocus laevigatus - there are forms blooming in autumn (late) and some starts blooming only in spring. On attached picture form blooming just now.
Not so often on Naxos but widely on continental Greece and especially on Peloponnesus is growing C. mazziaricus.
On many islands you can find Crocus tournefortii. Usually the base colour and design on each island is quite constant and different between islands. Naxos is exception of this common rule - next two pictures show you this.
The fourth species is cartwrightianus, but that I already showed yesterday and before - very variable there.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #111 on:
October 29, 2018, 11:02:38 AM »
In this entry three blue-flowering species. The largest flowers has C. ligusticus from borderlands between France and Italy. Its flowers are incredibly large - here 2 samples of it - XXL is the largest. In commerce it often is named C. medius and there is offered clone 'Millesimo' - I several times bought it from various sources and always got only virus infected plants. Flowers of this cultivar are smaller, too - is it for infection or naturally smaller, I don't know as I never saw healthy 'Millesimo'.
From S of Italy and Sicily comes one of the most fragrant crocuses - Crocus longiflorus.
The 3rd blue is C. nudiflorus from Spain - it is distinctly stoloniferous species and most vigorous grower from all those three and can be grown here even outside.
The last picture is from Greece - one more acquisition of C. melantherus.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #112 on:
October 29, 2018, 11:17:52 AM »
May be last entry today. Non stop sitting at computer all the first half of day with correction in manuscripts, reply to mails - my eyes tired and cries for some rest. The first two pictures is C. ochroleucus from Israel. Quite uniform species, not very easy, but growth with me. I mostly like the albino 'Dalton White' but it still didn't start blooming. Hope it is OK.
I don't know from where comes this very dark pallasii. It is clone selected by my friend Vaclav Jošt from some of plants collected together, but Vaclav was very lucky with this one.
The last brought disappointment for me, although I was ready for this. It is pulchellus from Chios. I for 3 times visited Chios searching for spring blooming biflorus crocuses reported by some amateur as found on Chios and listed between materials for Greek Flora Atlas by Arne Strid. Having very exact localities this spring I finally found on those spots some crocuses with annulate tunics out of flowers, but even
in situ
I was sure that they belongs to C. puchellus. But I still hoped... Pity, now blooming of them confirmed - only C. pulchellus.
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
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Posts: 3089
Growing and collecting plants since i was young
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #113 on:
October 29, 2018, 05:56:12 PM »
2371 Crocus biflorus ssp biflorus 2726
2372 Crocus biflorus ssp nubigena 2727 Lesvos Samos Ikaria
2373 Crocus cancellatus ssp mazzioaricus 2728 Samos
2374 Crocus candidus 2729 Lesvos
2375 Crocus chrysanthus 2730 Chios
2376 Crocus flavus ssp dissectus 2731
2377 Crocus fleischeri 2732 Chios
2378 Crocus gargaricus 2733
2379 Crocus olivieri ssp balansae 2734 Chios Samos
2380 Crocus olivieri ssp olivieri 2735 Chios
2381 Crocus pallasii ssp pallasii 2736 Lesvos
2382 Crocus pulchellus 2737
Here're the last repository i got from Athens university.
biflorus isn't listed on Chios
North of France
Janis Ruksans
Hero Member
Posts: 3944
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #114 on:
October 29, 2018, 07:05:19 PM »
Yann, working on crocuses I used complete list of all publications, herbariums about Crocuses in Greece, provided to me by Arne Strid, author of Atlas of the Aegean Flora. Here the line about biflorus + Chios:
IRIDACEAE Crocus biflorus Mill. Nomos: Chiou Eparchia: Chiou Island: Chios Locality: Chalandra and Nea Potamia. Lat.: 38°32'N Long.: 25°57'E Lit: Sfikas (1995i:
Phy: EAe Status: L Note: Based on report and photo by P. Saliaris, 23.11. 1994.
Arne sent me copy of the original publication of P. Saliaris and I visited all points where it was reported by Saliaris. Photo seem to be correct, but not plants. Seams that Saliaris simply used photo from somewhere to illustrate his publication. At this moment I can't find - where is hidden copy of Saliaris report.
Other locality:
IRIDACEAE Crocus biflorus Mill. subsp biflorus Nomos: Chiou Eparchia: Chiou Mountain: Pelineo Island: Chios Locality: Between the chapel of Zoodochos Pigi and the summit. Rocky limestone slopes. Alt.: 1050-1250 m Lat.: 38°33'N Long.: 26°00'E Coll: Strid no. 56513 2009-04-16 Phy: EAe Status: P Note: Planted at Göteborg Botanical Garden.
was wrongly identified pulchellus, collected out of flowers. At this point is only C. olivieri and C. fleischeri - visited 3 times and I suppose no one sq. m. was not checked as the locality isn't large, but difficult to climb.
I checked all points and found only pulchellus. Attached are 4 pictures. The first shows Zoodochos Pigi, next two road up (on the 3rd picture is visible the roof fragment from Chapel at very top - on picture seems that it is not the highest point, but it is optical illusion); the last picture - Chapel at very top of Mt. Pelineo. Not so many spots, where crocuses could grow.
Data from Athens University is long out of date:
2371 Crocus biflorus ssp biflorus 2726 - really C. rhodensis
Crocus biflorus ssp nubigena 2727 Ikaria - Crocus harveyi
Crocus biflorus ssp nubigena 2727 Samos - Crocus seisumsiana
Crocus biflorus ssp nubigena 2727 Karpathos - Crocus ruksansii
Crocus biflorus ssp nubigena 2727 Lesvos - Crocus nubigena
Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 07:12:57 PM by Janis Ruksans
Rare Bulb Nursery - Latvia
Journal Access Group
Hero Member
Posts: 3089
Growing and collecting plants since i was young
Re: Crocus October, 2018
Reply #115 on:
October 29, 2018, 10:32:55 PM »
Interesting i only have one contact there and the file he send me is from 2012, with minor updates in 2014.
I met him in 2008 or 2009 during an orchids congress but didn't know he wrote about Crocus.
North of France
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Crocus October, 2018
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