Dear Forum Members,
I have only started in the last few years to try some Fritillarias in pots, since outside apart from meleagris (still struggeling) they don't stand a chance here, with all the slugs and rodents. But in pots things seem to go much better (I'm trying not to think of the few I lost this winter). Last year however, I noticed some deformed leaves. It did worry me a bit, but I wanted to wait how they would come up this year, since I had only bought them. But now they're coming up deformed again. I guess I do already know the answer, but I would like some second thoughts - can somebody please tell me what this is? I have F. acmopetala with slightly deformed leaves and it had a deformed flower last year. Also F. stenanthera, in three different plants, showing different degrees of deformation. One pot with quite a few bulbs and bulbils in it, that I have bought only recently, is also showing some dots on the stems and deformed leaves. I was very happy with how many bulbs there were in a pot when I bought them (I bought two), it came from a british nursery at a german plant fair. There are more species, but they haven't unfolded yet.
Thank you for your time, I would appreciate any kind of comments to these pictures.