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Author Topic: Czech Conference 2017-  (Read 942 times)


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Czech Conference 2017-
« on: April 15, 2017, 06:45:22 PM »
We have had to cancel the Conference, but was wondering if someone who is attending would pick up a Daphne Petrea Persebee that I ordered from Herman LaPorte?  There is no possibility of getting this plant in the U.S. 

What this would entail is: 

I would send you my USDA Permit for inside of box, and their special label for the outside,  the box to ship it in.  Pumice fines for the roots (please moisten), Soil free pot with cover to place in box, and packing padding.  Last, a FedX shipping label (prepaid) so that you would have no out of pocket expenses.  You would need to get the PhytoSanitary Permit to place in box.  Last conference, Voytech Holubec provided those for us on the next to last day.  If you would like I would reimburse you for your time.  I suspect the plant and pot is pretty small, as far as rinsing roots.

I am hoping someone could do this as a big favor, I am able to obtain all the other plants here in States, but, this particular plant I would love to have.  We had to withdraw for unforeseen, medical problems for John.  He was rear ended by car, on his bicycle and is having difficulty traveling.  Cecile


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Re: Czech Conference 2017-
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2017, 11:56:13 PM »
Oh yes, I might add, I sincerely hope the Daphne would live, but, you would not be named for the plant death.  Our odds at the last conference, out of 95 plants, only 14 survived.  Its a long story, and, we will never do that again.  We were up till 4 a.m. washing roots, (better term is crushing and scrubbing roots), with our flight out the following morning.  We arrived home and temperature in May had jumped over 100 Fahrenheit. I had called and they told the Department of Agriculture would be there on weekends.   But, it is a special Department that handles the type of inspection that was needed, so the plants were in jail for four days, before they could be screened.  Cecile


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