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Since almost one year I'm looking for "Magdeburger Riese", but unfortunately it disappeared from the market. There is also some different information about this giant snowdrop reported: Michael Camphausen has it as G. plicatus in his catalogue (out of stock), Maria Mail-Brandt lists it as G. elwesii selection by Christian Kreß. One seller of snowdrops whom I asked for it warned me, that the labels are all wrong! So I'm really irritated. Does somebody have relyable information about that snowdrop which is reported to be the biggest ever? BWHannelore
Erich Pohle distributed 30 years ago a G. elwesii called´Magdeburger Riese´which I´ve got. There are others circulating under this name, but typically they should be G. elwesii with stalks up to 50 cm at the end of the flowering season. Not the flowers are exceptionally big, but the leaves and stalks. Did You get any information from Christian Kreß about his source?
I love the shape on 'Glenorma' - and she is a big girl - not out yet here - but always super large flowers.