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Author Topic: Amaryllids bulb offer  (Read 1502 times)

Hans J

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Amaryllids bulb offer
« on: January 08, 2018, 03:40:49 PM »
Dear friends,

I have used the bad weather in last time to repot my summer growing Amaryllids …
On some plants I had daughter bulbs + smaller offsets – here is my list what I have to offer.

Clinanthus variegatus red form ex Telos
Clinanthus variegatus  yellow ex Monocot

Eucrosia X  (spec. L&B 3737 x E. aurantiaca) ex Harry Hay
Eucrosia mirabilis

Hippeastrelia  ‘Red Beauty’

Hippeastrum aff. cuzcoensis ex KV
Hippeastrum blossfeldiae ex MP
Hippeastrum cybister
Hippeastrum evansii
Hippeastrum papilio ex USA
Hippeastrum petiolatum ex Brasil
Hippeastrum puniceum
Hippeastrum striatum ‘Saltao’ ex MP

Hymenocallis harrisiana

Ismene  X ‘Festalis’
Ismene  X ‘Sulphur Queen’

Phaedranassa carmiolii
Phaedranassa haurii
Phaedranassa tunguraguae
Phaedranassa viridiflora

Sprekelia formoissima

Stenomesson spec. Doran ex Se
Stenomesson spec. ex AG

Urceolina pendula ex PC (= Stenomesson miniatum )
Urceolata peruviana ex Au ( = Stenomesson miniatum )

Zephyranthes candida
Zephyranthes spec. Venezuela ( aff. Z.grandiflora )
Zephyranthus maybe grandiflorus ( received as  Habr. robustus )

Sorry ...all bulbs are gone

Many pictures you will find :

If anybody has interest for swap or buy something please write me a PM

Have fun

« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 08:56:37 AM by Hans J »
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