There is a reason why a neighbour recently gave me some mystery lily seeds, but it is better to avoid that as it will just confuse the matter even more!!
Anne appeared unexpectedly at my door the other day with a large paper bag with two large lily stems with many seed heads - they came from the garden at Braco Castle, but she has no information on what lily it is, other than is grows some 6 to 7ft tall, confirmed by the fact that the stems are some 30mm (mm are good for small dimensions, feet for large ones!!) in diameter.
I've to try and grow some!! But are they going to be epigeal or hypogeal, delayed or otherwise? Is there any pattern that I can use to guess? These will be late flowering, tall as I said and retaining their seeds through winter in upward facing seed cases.
Can anyone help or am I going to have to tke advantage of a huge number of seeds to try all the options?