I have grown a number of carnivorous over the last 30 years or so. Darlingtonia, Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Pinguicula, Drosera etc. always using rain-water. Originally all frost free, but pushing some a bit more recently. At the Chelsea FS, i.e. May, plants of course always look their best with large healthy trumpets, often with flowers but not always. In my frost free greenhouse the Sarracenia flower well in the spring but trumpets tend to get a bit tatty late in the year and don't really regrow for me until after spring flowering, so are at their best in a month or so's time, well after flowering. Are the Chelsea "spring" displays not natural as regards timing, even under glass? (not unusual of course) Darlingtonia I have had mixed success outside and had to rescue it after 3 years before I lost it. It was rampant inside years ago. Sarracenia flava loses all its top growth outside, and is just getting going again, Sarracenia leucophylla I have only grown frost free.