Stephen Barstow just updated his list of events for 2019 on my main events page, to see some of you at one of these events!
19th February Malvik Rotary, Norway
Sat 2nd March East Anglian Garden Group. Chamberlin Hall: Bildeston village hall, Chamberlin Close, Wattisham Road, Bildeston, Ipswich, Suffolk, England 14-17 11th March Plant Heritage, Surrey (St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Cobham, England) 19:30-…/Talk---Edible-ornamentals-by-Stephe…
26th-28th April Bornholm, Denmark (details to be confirmed)
3rd -5th May Annual meeting of Norwegian Seed Savers in Trondheim, Norway
1st- 2nd June Lom (Aukrust Gard), Norway (details to be confirmed)
5th June Besøkssenter, Ytre Hvaler Nasjonalpark, Skjærhalden, Norway (talk followed by a walk on one of the islands looking for edibles)
22nd – 23rd June Hurdal, Norway (to be confirmed)
28th-30th June Dharma Mountain, Hedal, Norway (to be confirmed)
14th August Opening of the new Allium garden at the Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim, Norway (details later)
27th-29th September Mid-West Wild Harvest Festival (Keynote plus two talks); and October Fet Hagelag, Norway (to be confirmed)