Today we went to the Fuchsia specialist Lokhorst in Gieten/Netherlands. the original founder does no longer live, the son continues his work as part-time gardener. So the nursery is only open on Saturdays and Sundays. He kept the ordering method of his father: Now, when all fuchsias are flowering, you can go there and choose which you want. If you're a Fuchsia specialist yourself you can also choose from the catalogue on the website. During the winter he makes cuttings and when your plants are ready you are informed. You can fetch them youself or have them send by a postage service. As he keeps more than 3500 sorts he can not grow plants on suspicion.
After I bougth a nice collection of Fuchsias last year, I picked up an Acnistus australis this year, I do not know the name in English. After I was informed that the plant was ready several weeks ago, I got an already flowering nice little bush, next week when back home, I'll post a photo.
Lokhorst is absolutely a recommendable gardener for Fuchsias and other pot plants!