The last species in this group is Iris rosenbackiana – the name used by me for all my gatherings from this group, although I regarded them as different taxa. The best grower was sample collected by Arnis Seisums at Harangon gorge in Varzob (according Flora of Tadjikistan it could be I. popovii). It differs from all other by colour of anthers, which in Harangon plants are creamy white to white, but in others yellow. (This feature is not characterised in any description in Floras). Leaves in some are attenuate at apex but not in all. Very similar superficially is gathering of Bondarenko at Vahsh (according Flora of Tadjikistan – I. rosenbackiana). It is earliest bloomer of all and by leaf shape looks closer to I. nicolai, but I can’t check this because I haven’t more this sample. Plants from Czormozak I got from Czech collector. By colour most interesting is plant from Chinoro gorge in Varzob collected by myself.
Most interesting is data about collecting spots in Flora of Tadjikistan: Tovilj Dara is listed for I. baldschuanica (I never had it, but 10 years ago it was grown in Gothenburg, easy separable) and for I. rosenbackiana. I. popovii is listed from single(!) gathering on ridge Peter the First (Russian czar) in E Tadjikistan, Gardan-I Kaftar pass.