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Author Topic: Len Beer Lecture 2021 - Zoom talk by Fergus Garrett  (Read 981 times)


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Len Beer Lecture 2021 - Zoom talk by Fergus Garrett
« on: March 13, 2021, 07:08:22 PM »
LEN BEER LECTURE (organised by Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden)

Thursday 25 March, 7pm - Fergus Garrett

Great Dixter, Past, Present and Future 
We are delighted that this year’s Len Beer Memorial Lecture will be provided by Fergus Garrett, the Head Gardener of Great Dixter in East Sussex, who manages the remarkable and extensive collections. This historic estate has a wealth of history and has been designed by some very influential individuals including Christopher Lloyd. The stunning gardens are inspiring and it’s a unique opportunity to learn more about the past, present and future of this special place.   
The Len Beer Memorial Lecture is organised in partnership the North Wales Alpine Society. 
WHERE: Through zoom communication software.

WHEN: 25th March. The talk will start at 7pm. Please log into zoom at 6:50pm.

BOOKING REQUIRED: Please email treborthevents@outlook.com with subject heading “Great Dixter - Len Beer Memorial Lecture” if you wish to register and receive the zoom link which will enable you to join.

COST: Free to join but there is a suggested donation for this event of £5. You can make the donation through your bank by BACS to: The Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden, sort code 089299; account number 65350999. When you are setting up the payment on your bank account, give the reference as your initials and surname followed by “L.Beer”. Or you can send a cheque to the Treasurer, FTBG, Treborth Botanic Garden, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2RQ.


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